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Audichromos - interactive music mixer

interacting with music and visuals via color tracking

Jonas Pflug
Katja Rößler
Nico Gaupp
Michael Mack

Franklin Hernandez-Castro

Key Skills:
Concept Ideation
Time Management

Time Intensity:
Very High


Concept & Implementation

Colored balls are used to activate various music components or, when the ball is removed, to deactivate them.
For example, if you hold a red ball in front of the camera, a double bass will sound. This way you can change the music as you like and experiment with tone sequences. Each sphere is represented by a circle on the screen. If you move a ball, the respective circle will follow it.
On the complete screen there are needle-like lines which move away from the colored circles on the screen. By moving the ball you can create individual music and organic visuals.

Audichromos was completely implemented in Javascript with several libraries, the music components and the soundtrack in the teaser video are also composed by us.